After payroll and cost of goods sold, office and commercial rent is often a business’s largest expense. A typical five-year lease with a five-year extension, may result in total payments that can exceed the cost of purchasing a smaller building. We can help you evaluation your options between leasing and owning. If you lease, as a commercial tenant, your attorney will help you make sure that you have the flexibility in your lease to handle all possible future contingencies. As a landlord you want to make sure that you have the terms in your lease to ensure that you will be able to secure payment in the future. Our tenant attorneys collaborate with our other tenant attorneys, our landlord attorneys collaborate with our other landlord attorneys. Our attorneys are either landlord or tenant attorneys and they do not cross over to the other side. Their database and customer records are always kept separate to avoid any conflicts as they may fight against each other in court. This can sometimes make for awkward holiday parties…